Java Reference
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To cater to this, Java has abstract classes . An abstract class is a class in which one or more methods are
declared, but not defined. The bodies of these methods are omitted, because, as in the case of the method
sound() in the Animal class, implementing the methods does not make sense. Because they have no defin-
ition and cannot be executed, they are called abstract methods . The declaration for an abstract method ends
with a semicolon and you specify the method with the keyword abstract to identify it as such. To declare
that a class is abstract you just use the keyword abstract in front of the class keyword in the first line of
the class definition.
You could have defined the class Animal as an abstract class by amending it as follows:
public abstract class Animal {
public abstract void sound();
// Abstract method
public Animal(String aType) {
type = new String(aType);
public String toString() {
return "This is a " + type;
private String type;
The previous program works just as well with these changes. It doesn't matter whether you prefix the
class name with public abstract or abstract public ; they are equivalent, but you should be consistent
in your usage. The sequence public abstract is typically preferred. The same goes for the declaration
of an abstract method, but both public and abstract must precede the return type specification, which is
void in this case.
An abstract method cannot be private because a private method cannot be inherited and therefore
cannot be redefined in a subclass.
You cannot instantiate an object of an abstract class, but you can declare a variable of an abstract class
type. With the new abstract version of the class Animal , you can still write:
Animal thePet = null; // Declare a variable of type Animal
just as you did in the TryPolymorphism class. You can then use this variable to store objects of the sub-
classes, Dog , Spaniel , Duck , and Cat .
When you derive a class from an abstract base class, you don't have to define all the abstract methods
in the subclass. In this case the subclass is also abstract and you aren't able to instantiate any objects of the
subclass either. If a class is abstract, you must use the abstract keyword when you define it, even if it only
inherits an abstract method from its superclass. Sooner or later you must have a subclass that contains no
abstract methods. You can then create objects of this class type.
I must now reveal something I have been keeping from you. All the classes that you define are subclasses by
default — whether you like it or not. All your classes have a standard class, Object , as a base, so Object
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