Java Reference
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The next statement calls the intersects() method from the line2 object and returns the Point object
at the intersection of the two lines, line1 and line2 , as part of the argument to the println() method
that outputs the point. As you see, you are not obliged to save an object when you create it. Here you just
use it to create the string to be displayed. After the output statement has executed, the intersection point
object is discarded.
You use the move() method in the class Point to modify the coordinates of the object end that you used
to create line1 . You then get the intersection of the two lines again, this time calling the intersects()
method from line1 . The output demonstrates that line1 is independent of the object end , as moving the
point has made no difference to the intersection.
If you change the constructor in the Line class to the earlier version that does not create new Point ob-
jects to define the line, you can run the example again to see the effect. The output is:
Points created are 0.0, 1.0 and 5.0, 6.0
Lines created are (0.0, 1.0):(5.0, 6.0) and (0.0, 3.0):(3.0, 0.0)
Intersection is 1.0, 2.0
Intersection is 2.0, 1.0
Changing the end object now alters the line, so you get a different intersection point for the two lines
after you move the end point. This is because the Line object, line1 , contains references to the Point
objects defined in main() , not references to independent Point objects.
The methods you have seen so far have been called from within other methods, but a method can also call
itself. A method that calls itself is described as a recursive method , and the process is referred to as recur-
sion . You can also have indirect recursion where a method A calls another method B, which in turn calls the
method A. Clearly you must include some logic in a recursive method so that it eventually stops calling it-
self if the process is not to continue indefinitely. You can see how this might be done with a simple example.
You can write a method that calculates integer powers of a variable — in other words, evaluate x n , or
x*x...*x where x is multiplied by itself n times. You can use the fact that you can obtain x n by multiplying
x n — 1 by x . To put this in terms of a specific example, you can calculate 2 4 as 2 3 multiplied by 2, and you
can get 2 3 by multiplying 2 2 by 2, and 2 2 is produced by multiplying 2 1 by 2.
TRY IT OUT: Calculating Powers
Here is the complete program, including the recursive method power() :
public class PowerCalc {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double x = 5.0;
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