Java Reference
In-Depth Information
as those shown in this section. However, the file name extensions for your source file and the object file that
results from it are just the same.
Executing a Java Application
To execute the bytecode program in the .class file with the Java interpreter in the JDK, you make the dir-
ectory containing the .class file current and enter the command:
java MyProgram
Note that you use just the name MyProgram to identify the program, not the name of the file that the com-
piler generates, MyProgram.class . It is a common beginner's mistake to use the latter by analogy with the
compile operation. If you put a .class file extension on MyProgram , your program won't execute, and you
get an error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MyProgram/class
Although the javac compiler expects to find the name of a file that contains your source code, the java
interpreter expects the name of a class (and that class must contain a main() method, as I explain later in
this chapter). The class name is MyProgram in this case. The MyProgram.class file contains the compiled
MyProgram class. I explain what a class is shortly.
The -enableassertions option is necessary for programs that use assertions , and because you use as-
sertions after you have learned about them it's a good idea to get into the habit of always using this option.
You can abbreviate the -enableassertions option to -ea if you want. The previous command with asser-
tions enabled is:
java -enableassertions MyProgram
If you want to override an existing CLASSPATH definition, the option is the same as with the compiler. You
can also abbreviate --classpath to -cp with the compiler or the Java interpreter. Here's how the command
looks using that abbreviation:
java -ea -cp . MyProgram
To execute your program, the Java interpreter analyzes and then executes the bytecode instructions. The
JVM behaves identically in all computer environments that support Java, so you can be sure your program
is completely portable. As I already said, your program runs just as well on a Linux Java implementation as
it runs on an implementation for Microsoft Windows, Solaris, or any other operating system that supports
Java. (Beware of variations in the level of Java supported, though. Some environments lag a little, so imple-
mentations supporting the current JDK version might be available later than under Windows or Solaris.)
Executing an Applet
The Java compiler in the JDK compiles both applications and applets. However, an applet is not executed in
the same way as an application. You must embed an applet in a web page before it can be run. You can then
execute it either within a Java-enabled web browser, or by using the appletviewer , a bare-bones browser
provided as part of the JDK. It is a good idea to use the appletviewer to run applets while you are learning.
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