Java Reference
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In general, you can use the labeled continue to exit from an inner loop to any enclosing outer loop, not
just the one immediately enclosing the loop containing the labeled continue statement.
Using the break Statement in a Loop
You have seen how to use the break statement in a switch block. Its effect is to exit the switch block and
continue execution with the first statement after the switch . You can also use the break statement to break
out from a loop. When break is executed within a loop, the loop ends immediately, and execution continues
with the first statement following the loop. To demonstrate this, you write a program to find prime numbers.
In case you have forgotten, a prime number is an integer that is only exactly divisible by itself and 1.
TRY IT OUT: Calculating Primes I
There's a little more code to this than the previous example. This program finds all the primes from 2 to
public class Primes {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int nValues = 50;
// The maximum value to be
boolean isPrime = true;
// Is true if we find a prime
// Check all values from 2 to nValues
for(int i = 2; i <= nValues; ++i) {
// Assume the current i is
// Try dividing by all integers from 2 to i-1
for(int j = 2; j < i; ++j) {
if(i % j == 0) {
// This is true if j divides
isPrime = false;
// If we got here, it was an
exact division
// so exit the loop
// We can get here through the break, or through completing the
// So is it prime?
// Yes, so output the value
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