Java Reference
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The errorListener object that is the argument must be of a class type that implements the Er-
rorListener interface.
ErrorListener declares three methods, all with a void return type, and all can throw a Transformer-
Exception :
error(TransformerException te) is called when a recoverable error occurs. The transformer
continues to process the document after this error. You can implement the method to throw a
TransformerException if you want to terminate processing of the document.
fatalError(TransformerException te) is called when a non-recoverable error occurs. Pro-
cessing the document may continue after this error but usually it won't. Your implementation of
this method should handle the error or throw a TransformerException if that is not possible, or
if you want to terminate document processing.
void warning(TransformerException te) is called to report conditions that are not errors or
fatal errors. After this method returns, processing always continues. You can terminate processing
of the document by throwing a TransformerException from this method.
You are not obliged to implement an ErrorListener for a transformer to receive notification of errors. If
you don't, the default behavior is to report all errors to System.err and not to throw any exceptions. In gen-
eral you should implement an ErrorListener for a transformer to deal with errors appropriately. Throwing
a TransformerException from within the error handler is optional, but if the method does throw an excep-
tion, the implementation must declare that it does.
The simplest way to create a Document object programmatically is to call the newDocument() method for a
DocumentBuilder object, and it returns a reference to a new empty Document object:
Document newDoc = builder.newDocument();
This is rather limited, especially because there's no way to modify the DocumentType node to reflect a
suitable DOCTYPE declaration because the DocumentType interface does not declare any.
There's an alternative approach that provides a bit more flexibility, but it is not quite so direct. You first
call the getDOMImplementation() method for the DocumentBuilder object:
DOMImplementation domImpl = builder.getDOMImplementation();
This returns an org.w3c.dom . DOMImplementation reference to an object that encapsulates the underly-
ing DOM implementation.
There are three methods you can call for a DOMImplementation object:
Document createDocument( String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, Docu-
mentType doctype) : Creates a Document object with the root element having the name qual-
ifiedName in the namespace specified by namespaceURI . The third argument specifies the
DOCTYPE node to be added to the document. If you don't want to declare a DOCTYPE then doctype
can be null . The method throws a DOMException if the second argument is incorrect in some
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