Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Now you have the ability to set attributes on any of the tabs in the dialog, and the attributes are stored
in the PrintAttr member of the SketcherFrame class that you passed to the printDialog() method. Be-
cause you also pass this reference to the print() method for the PrinterJob object, the print request is
executed using these attributes. This is accomplished by passing a PageFormat object to the Printable ob-
ject, which prints a page that has its size, orientation, and other attributes set from the print request attributes
defined by PrintAttr . You can see that the page count has been set to 1 by default in this dialog. You can
set attributes related to a print job and store them in the PrintRequestAttributeSet object that you pass
to the printDialog() method. Let's explore that a little further.
Setting Print Request Attributes Programmatically
Print request attributes are specifications of the kinds of options displayed in the dialog you just saw. They
specify things like the number of copies, whether printing is in color or monochrome, the page margin sizes,
and so on. Each print request attribute is identified by a class that implements the PrintRequestAttrib-
ute interface, and the javax.print.attributes.standard package defines a series of classes for stand-
ard print request attributes, as well as classes for other types of print attributes. There is a large number of
standard classes for print request attributes, and I don't have the space to go into the details of them all here.
So I'm just picking one to show how you can query and set them.
All the classes that implement the PrintRequestAttribute interface are identified in the interface doc-
umentation. You can use the Copies class in the javax.print.attributes.standard package that speci-
fies the number of printed copies to be produced.
You add an instance of the Copies class to your PrintAttr object to specify the number of copies to be
printed, and this is displayed by the print dialog. You can create an object specifying the number of copies
to be produced by extending the code relating to printer setup in the SketcherFrame constructor, like this:
// Set up the printer and page format objects
printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); // Get a printing object
pageFormat = printJob.defaultPage(); // Get the page format
printer = printJob.getPrintService(); // Get the default printer
Copies twoCopies = new Copies(2);
if (printer.isAttributeCategorySupported(twoCopies.getCategory())) {
The argument to the Copies class constructor specifies the number of copies to be produced. Our object
specifies just two copies, but you can go for more if you have the paper, the time, and the inclination.
Before you add this object to the print request attribute set, you verify that the printer does actually sup-
port the production of multiple copies. Obviously, it only makes sense to set an attribute for a printer that has
the appropriate capability — you won't be able to print in color on a monochrome printer, for instance. You
can call the isAttributeCategorySupported() method for the PrintService object that you obtained
from the PrinterJob object to do this.
The isAttributeCategorySupported() method requires an argument of type Class to identify the
attribute category that you are querying, and you obtain this by calling the getCategory() method for
the Copies object. If the attribute is supported, you add the twoCopies object to the set encapsulated by
printAttr by calling its add() method.
You should add an import statement for the Copies class to :
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