Java Reference
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fileMenu.add(printSetupItem); // Print page setup menu item
fileMenu.addSeparator(); // Add separator
fileMenu.add(exitAction); // Print sketch menu item
menuBar.add(fileMenu); // Add the file menu
Directory "Sketcher 10 with printer page setup"
The new menu item has a tooltip. The action events for the printSetupItem are handled by an anonym-
ous class object. It references the printJob object to call its pageDialog() method, which displays a dia-
log for setting up the printed page. Data from the PageFormat object you supply as the argument is used
to set the values in controls in the dialog. The PageFormat object that pageDialog() returns is stored in
pageFormat . This is the updated PageFormat object if the user makes changes and selects the OK button,
or the original object that was the argument if the dialog is canceled.
For the printJob and pageFormat objects to be accessible here, you can make them members of the
SketcherFrame class, along with the PrintService object. Add the following class members to Sketch-
erFrame :
private PrinterJob printJob;
// The current printer job
private PageFormat pageFormat;
// The printing page format
private PrintService printer;
// The printer to be used
Directory "Sketcher 10 with printer page setup"
You can initialize the first two fields in the SketcherFrame constructor. Add the following statements at
the beginning of the code in the constructor:
printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
// Get a printing object
pageFormat = printJob.defaultPage();
// Get the page format
printer = printJob.getPrintService();
// Get the default printer
Directory "Sketcher 10 with printer page setup"
The fields concerned with printing are now accessible from anywhere in the SketcherFrame class code,
including the inner classes such as the FileAction class.
You need to change the code in the actionPerformed() method in the FileAction class to make use of
the fields you have just added to the SketcherFrame class. This involves deleting the first two statements
in the block dealing with printAction events that initialize printJob and printService , and deleting the
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