Java Reference
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"Error printing a sketch.",
"Printer Error",
} else if(this == exitAction) {
Directory "Sketcher 6 printing a sketch"
The code here obtains a PrinterJob object and, after verifying that there is a printer to print on, sets the
view as the printable source. You don't need access to the PrinterService object to print, but it's one way
of verifying that a printer is available. The expression for the second if displays a print dialog, and if the
return value from the printDialog() method call is true , you call the print() method for the printJob
object to start the printing process. This is one of two overloaded print() methods that the PrinterJob
class defines. You look into the other one when you try out the alternative printDialog() method a little
later in this chapter.
Two more import statements are needed in the file:
import javax.print.PrintService;
import java.awt.print.*;
The SketcherFrame class still doesn't compile at the moment because you haven't made the Sketcher-
View class implement the Printable interface yet.
Printing Pages
The object that you pass to the setPrintable() method is responsible for all the details of the printing pro-
cess. The object class type must implement the Printable interface, which implies defining the print()
method in the class. You can make the SketcherView class implement the Printable interface like this:
// Import statements as before...
import java.awt.print.*;
class SketcherView extends JComponent implements Observer, Printable {
// Constructor code etc. as before...
// Print the sketch on a local printer
public int print(Graphics g,
// Graphics context for printing
PageFormat pageFormat,
// The page format
int pageIndex)
// Index number of current page
throws PrinterException {
// Code to do the printing...
// Rest of the class definition as before...
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