Java Reference
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You limit the files in the list in the dialog to display only the files you want by calling the addChoos-
ableFileFilter() method, with an object of your file filter class as the argument.
You can define your own file filter class for use with the Sketcher program as follows:
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
public class ExtensionFilter extends FileFilter {
public ExtensionFilter(String ext, String descr) {
extension = ext.toLowerCase();
// Store the extension as lower case
description = descr;
// Store the description
public boolean accept(File file) {
return(file.isDirectory() ||
public String getDescription() {
return description;
private String description;
// Filter description
private String extension;
// File extension
Directory "Sketcher 1 saving a sketch to a file"
Add the source file to the Sketcher program directory. The accept() method
determines whether or not a file is displayed in a file chooser list. A file is accepted if either of the operands
for the || operator in the method evaluates to true . The isDirectory() method for a File object returns
true if the object represents a directory and not a file. This is the first operand for the || operator, so all
directories are displayed in the list by this filter. The second operand is true when the extension for a file
path in the File object is extension . The getName() method for a File object is the equivalent of the
getFileName() method for a Path object; it returns the name of the file as a String object without the root
path. After converting it to lowercase, calling endsWith() for the String object results in true if the string
ends with the argument extension , so all files with that extension are included in the list.
To identify a filter for files with the extension .ske, you could add a field to the SketcherFrame class:
private ExtensionFilter sketchFilter = new ExtensionFilter(
".ske", "Sketch files (*.ske)");
Directory "Sketcher 1 saving a sketch to a file"
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