Java Reference
In-Depth Information
addChoosableFileFilter(FileFilter filter) : Filters the file list using the file filter you sup-
ply as the argument.
setSelectedFile(File file) :Sets file as the file preselected when the dialog opens.
Contents of the File List
You can set a file chooser dialog to display files, directories, or both. You determine what is displayed in a
dialog by calling the setFileSelectionMode() method. The argument must be one of the int constants
FILES_ONLY , DIRECTORIES_ONLY , and FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES that are defined as static members of the
JFileChooser class. FILES_ONLY is the default selection mode. The getFileSelectionMode() method re-
turns the current selection mode.
By default a user can select only one file or directory, but you can allow multiple selections to be
made from the list in the file dialog if you call the setMultiSelectionEnabled() method for your
JFileChooser object with the argument true .
Preselecting a File
If you want the dialog to have a particular file selected when it opens, you pass a object to the
setSelectedFile() method for the JFileChooser object. This will preselect the file in the file list if the
file already exists, and inserts the file name in the file name field if it doesn't. You can create a File object
from a Path object by calling its toFile() method. If you have enabled multiple selections in the dialog,
you can pass an array of File objects to the setSelectedFiles() method to have several files preselected
when the dialog opens.
Updating the File List
The file list is created when you create the JFileChooser object, but naturally files may be added or deleted
over time, and when this occurs you need to reconstruct the file list in the dialog object. Calling the res-
canCurrentDirectory() method before you display the dialog does this for you. You can change the cur-
rent directory at any time by passing a File object specifying the directory you want to make current to the
setCurrentDirectory() method.
Filtering the File List
You can supply a file filter for the sketch files. The default file filter in a JFileChooser object accepts any
file or directory, but you can add one or more filters of your own to select a subset of the files in the current
directory. A file filter object is of a type that has the javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter class as a
superclass. The FileFilter class declares two methods, both of which are abstract, so your file filter class
must implement them:
• The accept(File file) method: Returns true if the file represented by file is accepted by the
file filter and returns false otherwise.
• The getDescription() method: Returns a String object that describes the filter — “Sketch
files," for example.
The JFileChooser class works with File objects rather than Path objects, so the filter has to work with
File objects, too.
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