Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The JFileChooser class in the javax.swing package provides an easy-to-use mechanism for creating file
dialogs for opening and saving files. The JFileChooser class is slightly out of kilter with the new I/O cap-
ability in that it uses objects to encapsulate file paths, rather than java.nio.file.Path ob-
jects that you use with the new I/O. A File object encapsulates an absolute or relative path string for a file
or directory, similar to a Path object. Producing Path objects from File objects and vice versa is very easy,
so having to work with both File and Path objects doesn't represent a problem.
You can use a single object of this class to create all the file dialogs you need, so you can add a member
to the SketcherFrame class now to store a reference to a JFileChooser object that you create in the con-
private JFileChooser fileChooser;
// File chooser dialog
There are several JFileChooser constructors, but I'm discussing only a couple of them here. The default
constructor creates an object with the current directory as the default directory, but that won't quite do for
our purposes. What you want in the first instance is for the default directory to be the one specified by the
DEFAULT_DIRECTORY path that you defined in the SketcherConstants class. There is no JFileChooser
constructor that accepts a Path object reference, so you use the constructor that accepts an argument of type
String that specifies the directory that the dialog displays initially. You can call the toString() method
for DEFAULT_DIRECTORY to get the path as a String and pass that to the constructor that accepts a String
reference to specify the directory. Add the following statement to the SketcherFrame constructor, following
the statements that you added earlier that verified DEFAULT_DIRECTORY actually existed on the hard drive:
fileChooser = new JFileChooser(DEFAULT_DIRECTORY.toString());
The dialog that the fileChooser object encapsulates displays the contents of the directory specified by
DEFAULT_DIRECTORY . The dialog has two buttons, one to approve a selection from the directory contents and
the other to cancel the dialog. You can now use the fileChooser object to implement the event handling
for the File menu. During use of the dialog, the user may well change the current directory to something
else. As long as you are using the same JFileChooser object to display the dialogs for choosing a file, the
current directory is remembered between displaying one file chooser dialog and the next.
There are a considerable number of methods in the JFileChooser class, so rather than trying to discuss
them all, which would take many pages of text and be incredibly boring, I'm leaving you to explore these at
your leisure and will just introduce the ones that you can apply to Sketcher to support the File menu.
Displaying a File Save Dialog
In most cases you'll want to display a modal file save dialog when the Save menu item or toolbar button is
selected. As luck would have it, the JFileChooser class has a showSaveDialog() method that does pre-
cisely what you want. All you have to do is call the method with a reference to the Component object that
is the parent for the dialog to be displayed as the argument. The method returns a value indicating how the
dialog was closed. You could display a save dialog in a method for a FileAction object with the following
int result = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(SketcherFrame.this);
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