Java Reference
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about position as the cursor is dragged. The angle in Figure 20-21 is exaggerated so you can see what is go-
ing on during a single mouse, dragged event. The mousePressed() method is called when the button is first
pressed at some arbitrary position, and the cursor position is recorded in start . When the mouseDragged()
method is called, you record the cursor position in last , and you now need to calculate angle . You must
apply a little high school math to get this, which you can ignore if your recall of trigonometry is nonexistent.
You can get the length of the perpendicular from the point start in Figure 20-21 to the line from posi-
tion to last by using a static method in the Line2D class:
double perp = Line2D.ptLineDist(position.x, position.y,
last.x, last.y,
start.x, start.y);
The ptLineDist() method calculates the perpendicular distance of the point specified by the last two
arguments to the line specified by the first four arguments as a value of type double . The first pair of ar-
guments are the coordinates of the beginning of the line, and the second pair are the coordinates of the end
You know how to get the distance from position to start . You just apply the distance() method that
is defined in the Point class:
double hypotenuse = position.distance(start);
From Figure 20-21 you can see that you can calculate angle as:
sin -1 (perp/hypotenuse)
This comes from the definition of what the sine of an angle is. The Math class provides the asin() meth-
od to calculate sin -1 values (also called arcsine values), so you can calculate angle as
double angle = Math.asin(perp/hypotenuse);
The asin() method returns an angle in radians between −π/2 and π/2, which is fine for the situation
you are dealing with in Sketcher. You are unlikely to create an angle outside this range for a single
mouseDragged() event unless there is something seriously awry with your PC.
Of course, you need to know which way the rotation is going, clockwise or counterclockwise. Another static
method in the Line2D class can help out here. The relativeCCW() method determines where a point lies
with respect to a line. If you have to rotate the line clockwise to reach the point, the method returns −1, and
if you have to rotate the line counterclockwise, it returns + 1. It returns zero if the points are collinear. You
can use this method to test whether the point last is clockwise or counterclockwise with respect to the line
from position to start . Because angles rotating the coordinate system clockwise are positive, you can
calculate a suitably signed value for angle with the following statement:
double angle = -Line2D.relativeCCW(position.x, position.y,
start.x, start.y,
last.x, last.y)*Math.asin(perp/hypotenuse);
The minus sign is necessary because the method returns −1 when last is clockwise with respect to the
line from position to start . That's all the math you need. Let's do it.
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