Java Reference
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AffineTransform at = getTranslateInstance(25, 30);
The at object represents a translation of 25 in x and of 30 in y . You can create a new Shape object from
the original rectangle with the statement:
Shape transRect = at.createTransformedShape(rect);
The new transRect object looks the same as the original rectangle but is translated by 25 in x and 30 in
y , so its top-left corner is now at (35, 40). Figure 20-18 illustrates this operation.
FIGURE 20-18
However, although transRect looks like a rectangle, it is not a Rectangle object. The createTrans-
formedShape() method always returns a GeneralPath object because it has to work with any transform.
Some transformations deform a shape so the shape cannot be an instance of the original shape type. Apply-
ing a shear to a rectangle, for example, results in a shape that is no longer a rectangle. The method has to be
able to apply any transform to any Shape object, and returning a GeneralPath shape makes this possible.
Let's try some of this out with the Sketcher shape classes. At the moment, you translate the origin ex-
plicitly by calling the translate() method before you draw each shape or text element. Let's use an
AffineTransform object to do the translation of the coordinate system before the element is drawn.
Translating Sketcher Elements using a Transform
Because you already draw elements at the origin, this is going to be close to trivial. Here's how you could
use a transform object in the draw() method for the Element.Line class:
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