Java Reference
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At most one element can be highlighted at any given time. You need to remember which element is high-
lighted when there is one so you can reset its highlighting when it isn't under the cursor. To record a refer-
ence to the element that is under the cursor, you add a data member of type Element to the SketcherView
class. When there isn't an element under the cursor, you make sure that this data member is null .
TRY IT OUT: Highlighting to Elements
Add the following statement after the statement that declares the theApp data member in the Sketcher-
View class definition:
private Element highlightElement;
Highlighted element
The mouseMoved() method in MouseHandler is going to be called very frequently, so you must make
sure it executes as quickly as possible. This means that for any given set of conditions, you execute the
minimum amount of code. Here's the implementation of the mouseMoved() method in the MouseHand-
ler class in SketcherView :
// Handle mouse move events
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
Point cursor = e.getPoint();
// Get current
cursor position
for(Element element : theApp.getModel()) {
// Go through the
if(element.getBounds().contains(cursor)) { // ...under the
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