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Directory "Sketcher 5 displaying a font dialog"
Add a static import statement for the constants in the SketcherConstants class:
import static Constants.SketcherConstants.*;
You again create a panel to contain the spinner and its associated prompt to make the layout easier. The
default FlowLayout in the panel is fine for what you want. You had better add a couple more members to
the FontDialog class to store the references to the chooseSize and fontDisplay objects:
private JSpinner chooseSize;
// Font size options
private JLabel fontDisplay;
// Font sample
A spinner generates an event of type ChangeEvent when an item is selected that is sent to listeners of type
ChangeListener . Both types are defined in the javax.swing.event package. The listener for our spinner
is the FontDialog object, so you need to specify that it implements the ChangeListener interface:
class FontDialog extends JDialog
implements ActionListener, // For buttons etc.
// For list box
ChangeListener {
// For the spinner
The ChangeListener interface defines one method, stateChanged() , which has a parameter of type
ChangeEvent . You obtain a reference to the source of the event by calling getSource() for the event object.
You then need to cast the reference to the type of the source — in this case, JSpinner . For example, you
could code it like this:
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
JSpinner source = (JSpinner)e.getSource();
// code to deal with the spinner event for source...
Directory "Sketcher 5 displaying a font dialog"
Of course, you want the value that is now selected in the spinner, and the getValue() method returns a
reference to this as type Object . Because you are using a SpinnerNumberModel object as the spinner mod-
el, the object encapsulating the value is actually of type Number , so you can cast the reference returned by
getValue() to this type. You can get a little closer to what you want by amending our stateChanged()
method to:
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