Java Reference
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g2D.translate(position.x, position.y);
// Move context
// Draw the curve
g2D.translate(-position.x, -position.y);
// Move context
origin back
private GeneralPath curve;
private final static long serialVersionUID = 1001L;
// Abstract methods & fields in Element class...
Directory "Sketcher 6 drawing sketch curve elements"
The Curve class constructor creates a GeneralPath object and adds a single line segment to it by moving
the current point for the path to start by calling moveTo() and then calling the lineTo() method for
the GeneralPath object with next as the argument. You compute an initial bounding rectangle here that
encloses the first two points. As always, the height and width of the rectangle are increased by one to
ensure all points are enclosed.
Additional curve segments are added by the modify() method. This calls lineTo() for the GeneralPath
member of the class with the new point, next , as the argument. This adds a line from the end of the last
segment that was added to the new point. The bounding rectangle is extended, if necessary, by adding a
1× 1 rectangle at next to bounds. Adding a 1× 1 rectangle, rather than just the next point, is necessary
to ensure that the new point lies within bounds and not on its boundary.
Of course, you need to uncomment the line creating an Element.Curve object in the createElement()
method in the MouseHandler inner class to SketcherFrame . Then you're ready to roll again. If you re-
compile Sketcher you are able to give freehand curves a whirl and produce elegant sketches such as that
in Figure 19-29 .
FIGURE 19-29
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