Java Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 19-15
You should be able to drag the control points around with the mouse and see the curves change shape.
If you find it's a bit difficult to select the control points, just make the value of radius a bit larger. Note
how the angle of the tangent as well as its length affects the shape of the curve.
How It Works
The mousePressed() method in the MouseHandler class is called when you press a mouse button. In
this method you check whether the current cursor position is within any of the markers enclosing the
control points. You do this by calling the contains() method for each Marker object and passing the
coordinates of the cursor position to it. The getX() and getY() methods for the MouseEvent object sup-
ply the coordinates of the current cursor position. If one of the markers does enclose the cursor, you
store a reference to the Marker object in the selected member of the MouseHandler class for use by the
mouseDragged() method.
In the mouseDragged() method, you set the location for the Marker object referenced by selected to
the current cursor position, and call repaint() for the pane object. The repaint() method causes the
paint() method to be called for the component, so everything is redrawn, taking account of the modi-
fied control point position.
Releasing the mouse button causes the mouseReleased() method to be called. In here you just set the
selected field back to null so no Marker object is selected. Remarkably easy, wasn't it?
Complex Paths
You can define a more complex geometric shape as an object of type GeneralPath . A GeneralPath object
can be a composite of lines, Quad2D curves, and Cubic2D curves, or even other GeneralPath objects.
In general, closed shapes such as rectangles and ellipses can be filled with a color or pattern quite easily
because they consist of a closed path enclosing a region. In this case, whether a given point is inside or
outside a shape can be determined quite simply. With more complex shapes such as those defined by a Gen-
eralPath object, it can be more difficult. Such paths may be defined by an exterior bounding path that en-
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