Biology Reference
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Figure 11. Effects of exogenous thyroxine and the goitrogen thiourea on the metamorphosis
of the conger eel ( Conger miriaster ). Leptocephali almost at their largest size were kept in a
tank with either normal seawater (n=11), seawater with thyroxine (100 nM, n=12) or seawater
with thiourea (5 mM, n=11) for four weeks. PAL (length from the proboscis to anus)/TL (total
length) % (upper fi gure) and the production of erythrocytes (lower fi gure) were measured
every week. Dots indicate the values for each individual. Blood index: 0, completely invisible;
1, erythrocytes in the heart become slightly visible; 2, erythrocytes in the heart become distinct;
3, erythrocytes in the dorsal aorta become distinct.
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