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mere appearance. To the extent that Americans are doing pretty much the same
thing everywhere, the rationale for specialization and interregional trade is reduced.
OK, that's just a hypothesis, which would take much more testing to fill out. Yet
surely trying to test this idea would deepen our understanding of the economy—
which brings me back to this short paper's starting point. Walter Isard pioneered a
field by observing, and preaching, the importance of location in space to under-
standing economies. His observation remains as true as ever.
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Isard W (1956) Location and space-economy. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
Kim S (1995) Expansion of markets and the geographic distribution of economic activities: the
trends in U. S. regional manufacturing structure, 1860-1987. Q J Econ 110(4):881-908
Krugman P (2009) Increasing return in a competitive advantage world. In: Stern RM (ed)
Comparative advantage, growth, and the gains from trade and globalisation. World Scientific,
Singapore, pp 43-51
Mundell R (1957) International trade and factor mobility. Am Econ Rev 47(3):321-335
Ohlin B (1933) Interregional and international trade. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
Subramanian A, Kessler M (2013) The hyperglobalization of trade and its future. Working paper
# 3, global citizen foundation
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