Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 12.1 Cluster Life Cycle
Development Stages ( Source :
The author, designed after
bergman 2008)
Cluster Dimensions and Stage Analysis
The dimensional analysis frame is a 7
5 matrix where the rows represent the
seven cluster dimensions; and, the four columns represent: (1) the dimensions,
(2) related indicators or measures, (3) patterns, and (4) policy guidelines. The third
dimension arrays the five primary stages of the life cycle which are presented below
with five different Tables 12.1 , 12.2 , 12.3 , 12.4 and 12.5 . Thus, each of the tables
represents one of the stages of the life-cycle with rows and columns as described
above. See Table 12.1 for an illustration.
12.4.1 The Pre-cluster Stage (See Table 12.1 )
Even relatively larger numbers of firms that might form a cluster at this stage are not
concentrated geographically and are nearly randomly dispersed or relatively small
(often branch plants) thus there are few if any industries that might support a
meaningful concentration. The number of firms and establishments in even larger
industries is small and their relative strength is low with location quotients (LQs)
often below 1.0, indicating industry presence in the study area is less intensive than
the average of the industry intensity in other locations at more aggregate levels.
Knowledge is dispersed and highly heterogeneous. The level of entrepreneurship is
low and focused on non-productive entrepreneurship. There is no strategic conver-
gence around a cluster concept at this stage as there is no cluster. There is limited
business or industry networking at this stage. Finally, a low level of intra-or inter
industry dependence (buying and selling to each other) exists. In short at the
pre-cluster stage the economic ecosystem of a region is under developed as there
is no basis for clustering.
Local regional public policy can do little more with respect to cluster formation
than trying to improve workforce capability and quality, maintaining the infrastruc-
ture or supporting the provision of business assistance, and promoting economic
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