Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Human tissue intended for transplantation. Federal Register 68514. USA: Food and Drug Admin-
istration, 1993:58.
2. Application to current statutory authorities to human somatic cell therapy products and gene therapy
products. Federal Register 53248. USA: Food and Drug Administration, 1993:58.
3. De Luca M. Towards epidermal stem cell-mediated gene therapy. In: Migliaccio AR, Carta C,
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4. Orkin SH, Motulsky AG. Report and recommendations of the panel to assess the NIH investment
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5. Grisham J. Inquiry in gene therapy widens. Nature Biotech 2000; 18:254.
6. Romano G, Michell P, Pacilio C et al. Latest developments in gene transfer technology: Achieve-
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7. Barbour V. The balance of risk and benefit in gene therapy trials. Lancet 2000; 355:384.
8. Proposed approach to regulation of cellular and tissue-based products. Docket N. 97N-0068; Cen-
ter for Biologics Evaluation and Research. USA: Food and Drug Administration, 1997.
9. Weber DJ. FDA/CBER/OTRR RAPS. Oct 3rd 2000:See the URL address:
10. Guidance on applications for products comprised of living autologous cells manipulated ex vivo
and intended for structural repair or reconstruction. Docket N. 95N-0200; Center for Biologics
Evaluation and Research. USA: Food and Drug Administration, 1996.
11. Massotti M. Linee guida per l'avvio di studi clinici di fase I/II con cellule umane viventi per la
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13. Ministerial Decree. Linee guida di riferimento per l'istituzione ed il funzionamento dei comitati
etici. Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, March 18th 1998:122.
14. Ministerial Decree. Attivazione delle Direttive 89/391, 89/654, 89/656, 90/269, 90/270, 90/394, e
90/679 CEE sul miglioramento della sicurezza e della salute dei lavoratori sul luogo di lavoro.
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, September 19th 1994:265.
15. Elimination of establishment licence application for specified biotechnology and specified synthetic
biological products; 61 Federal Register 24227. USA Food and Drug Administration; 1994
16. Tissue Action Plan—Reinventing the regulation of human tissue. 1997:See the URL address: http:/
17. EN-ISO 14971 Medical devices: Risk Management—Application of Risk Management to Medical
Devices. 2000.
18. Dell'Accio F, De Bari C, Luyten FP. Molecular markers predictive of the capacity of expanded
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19. Migliaccio G. Valutazione di qualità dei prodotti per terapia cellulare. In: Massotti M and Meneguz
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clinica di fase I. Rapporti ISTISAN 01/22. Rome: Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 2001:26-36.
20. Guidance for the submission of chemistry, manufacturing, and control information and establish-
ment description for autologous somatic cell therapy products. Docket N. 95N-0200; Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research. USA: Food and Drug Administration, 1997.
21. Public Health Service Act, Section 361, Title 42 US Code; USA.
22. Korwek EL, Learn MD. Biologics update. Food and Drug Institute Update 2001; 2:4-6.
23. Noguchi PD. From Jim to gene and beyond: An odyssey of biologics regulation. Food and Drug
Law Journal 1996; 51:367-373.
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