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Computational Models of Vascularization
and Therapy in Tumor Growth
Benjamin Ribba, Floriane Lignet and Luigi Preziosi
Abstract Computational and mathematical models are powerful tools to study the
complexity in biological systems. The models, when validated with experimental
evidence, can then be used to better understand the behavior of a complex system
subjected to perturbations. In particular, a computational model can be used to test
new hypotheses and, in the case of therapies for instance, to predict and optimize
treatment outcomes in patients. Most models in biology rely on the description,
using continuous or discrete mathematical tools, of the time-course of one or
several biological entities. Its aim is to 'capture' the dynamics of a process, which
by definition evolve in time. Almost all biological processes are characterized by a
particular dynamic. Computational modeling relies on the premise that integrating
the dynamics of a process can provide benefits in its understanding compared to a
classical static analysis.
1 General Concepts
Computational and mathematical models are powerful tools to study the com-
plexity in biological systems. The models, when validated with experimental
evidence, can then be used to better understand the behavior of a complex system
subjected to perturbations. In particular, a computational model can be used to test
B. Ribba ( & ) F. Lignet
INRIA Grenoble—Rhône-Alpes, Innovalée, 655 avenue de l'Europe,
Montbonnot 38334, Saint Ismier Cedex, France
L. Preziosi
Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli
Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy
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