Graphics Reference
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You're going for something with about the same proportions as the column in Figure 4.32 . Once you've
accepted the extrusion with the LMB, try an experiment. Use the A key twice to select all and move the
mesh around. You'll notice that the Mirror modifier is still active, and affects the newly extruded portions
of the mesh as well as the original. This is what we meant earlier when we said that modifier effects were
“live.” They persist in their influence on a mesh, unlike a one-time use tool. Use the RMB to cancel any
transformation you introduced while moving this column.
We would like to twist this object to look like the introductory figure, but to do that we'll need more
geometry. It would be great to put a bunch of slices horizontally through the model, and you already
know the tool that will do it. Use Ctrl-R and the mouse wheel to cut ten loops through the middle of
the column. That should provide enough geometry for what we're about to do.
In the Properties window, add a new modifier from the Deform section: Simple Deform. Simple Deform
lets you perform a number of interactive effects to your meshes: stretch, taper, bend, and twist. We are
interested in the twist right now, but you can see the effects of the other Simple Deform methods in the
Web Bucket for this chapter. While we're working with this modifier, jump out of Edit mode so the
mesh structure doesn't obscure the effect of the modifier.
Right away, you can see the result of the modifier. The model twists a bit. Raise the Factor value until
you like the effect. I've used 5 in my sample. Note that if you raise the factor too high, the level of
geometry in the mesh won't be able to take the stress and things will begin to look ugly. The Limit
controls act as percentage values between which the twist takes place. It defaults from 0.00 to 1.00 (0%
to 100%), which means that the
modifier affects the entire height
of the model. For fun, try two
Uncheck x and y on the
Mirror modifier. The effects
are still live, and the Simple
Deform modifier below it still
works on the unmirrored
mesh. Reenable x and y on
the Mirror modifier.
Use the Up/Down control on
the Simple Deform modifier
to move it up one slot, placing
it above the Mirror modifier.
This is a prime example of
how modifier order matters.
With the Simple Deform
modifier first, followed by the
Mirror modifier, the results
are quite different. Figure 4.33 Figure 4.33   Using modifiers  in  different  orders  can  create  different  results.
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