Graphics Reference
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Figure 6.31   The  character  thus  far.
isolate it. RMB select the head, then press the
forward slash on the number pad ( Numpad-/ ).
Everything else disappears, leaving the head by itself.
This is called Local mode and is convenient when
you have a full scene and need to concentrate and
do detail work on a single element. Any objects that
are selected when pressing Numpad-/ follow along
into Local view. Pressing Numpad-/ again leaves
this mode, returning your previous layer and visibil-
ity settings.
In Local mode then, make sure the head is selected
and find the Particle Context of the Properties
window. The four little sparkles are shown in Figure
6.32 . There's not much going on in this panel to
begin with. Hair (and fur and other things) in
Blender is created by a particle system . Particle
Figure 6.32   The  Particle  panel. Clicking  the  +   symbol  adds 
a  new  particle  system.
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