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Figure 6.26, cont'd
extrude one more time, this time scaling larger to push the ring of vertices away from the center. Move
this new ring down, and you have something that looks not entirely unlike a Victorian ruffle collar.
Do you remember the Tear command from the eyelid creation exercise (V key)? It's time to use it again.
If you were creating a jacket instead of a shirt, you would select an entire column of vertices the whole
way down the front of the shirt. Tearing that opens the entire front. To create a collar that is open, say,
to the first button, you would select the top several vertices of the shirt, up through the collar as shown
in Figure 6.27 , then tear it with the V key. The mesh separates, leaving you with the proper effect. Now,
that's a shirt in Figure 6.28 .
Pants are just a reiteration of what you've done with the shirt. Figure 6.29 shows a very simple beginning
to a mesh for pants.
The keys to creating this basic shape are the loop cuts running down the outside and front edges of the
pant legs. Making these cuts allows you to select the long vertical edges on all four corners of the original
cube and pull them into a more rounded situation with Shrink/Fatten (Alt-S). It's simple box modeling
like the chair in Chapter 4, with a Mirror modifier thrown in so you only have to work on one side at
a time.
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