Agriculture Reference
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(Sect. 9.1 ) or to determine the site-specifi c straw mass left in the fi eld and thus the
depth of stubble cultivation, they are part of a reactive approach.
A disadvantage of predictive approaches is that - contrary to reactive approaches -
its accuracy often is impaired by the unforeseeable infl uence of the weather. Mainly
because of this, predictive approaches are more diffi cult to realize with high resolutions
than reactive approaches are. The challenge for the future will be to fi nd intelligent
combinations of predictive- and reactive approaches, e.g. by simultaneous use of maps
plus on-the-go sensing in real-time. In this way, erroneous controls that result from the
infl uence of the unpredictable weather probably can be reduced.
Blackmore S, Godwin RJ, Fountas S (2003) The analysis of spatial and temporal trends in yield
map data over six years. Biosyst Eng 84(4):455-466
Fridgen JJ, Kitchen NR, Sudduth KA, Drummond ST, Wiebold WJ, Fraisse CW (2004)
Management zone analyst (MZA): software for subfi eld management zone delineation. Agron
J 96:100-108
Kemanian AR, Stöckle CO, Huggins DR, Viega LM (2007) A simple method to estimate harvest
index in grain crops. Field Crop Res 103:208-216
Mertens FM (2008) Spatial variability of soil properties and its signifi cance for the performance of
herbicides - an optimizing approach for precision in plant protection (in German). Doctoral
dissertation, University of Bonn, Bonn
Milne AE, Webster R, Ginsburg D, Kindred D (2012) Spatial multivariate classifi cation of an ara-
ble fi eld into compact management zones based on past crop yields. Comput Electron Agric
Schepers AR, Shanahan JF, Liebig MA, Schepers JS, Johnson SH, Luchiari A Jr (2004)
Appropriateness of management zones for characterizing spatial variability of soil properties
and irrigated corn yields across years. Agron J 96:195-203
Stafford JD (2006) The role of technology in the emergence and current status of precision agricul-
ture. In: Srinivasan A (ed) Handbook of precision agriculture. Principles and applications. Food
Products Press, New York, pp 19-56
Sun Y, Druecker H, Hartung E, Hueging H, Cheng Q, Zeng Q, Sheng W, Lin J, Roller O, Paetzold
S, Schulze Lammers P (2011) Map-based investigation of soil physical conditions and crop
yield using diverse sensor techniques. Soil Till Res 112:149-158
Taylor JA, McBratney AB, Whelan BM (2007) Establishing management classes for broad acre
agricultural production. Agron J 99:1366-1376
Whelan BM, Taylor J (2010) Precision agriculture education and training modules for the grains
industry. Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture, University of Sydney for the Grains
Research and Development Corporation. Sydney, Australia
Whelan BM, McBratney AB, Minasny B (2002) VESPER 1.5 - Spatial prediction software for
precision agriculture. In: Robert PC, Rust RH, Larson WE (eds) Proceedings of the 6th inter-
national conference on precision agriculture, Madison, WI
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