Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 13
Fusions, Overlays and Management Zones
Hermann J. Heege
Abstract Site-specifi c farming can be based on various signals about soil- and crop
properties. And some farming operations might need a control that relies simultane-
ously on several properties. However, the control of an individual farming operation
requires singular and unambiguous site-specifi c signals. Hence, information about
soil- and crop properties must be merged. Means to achieve this are sensor-fusion,
map-overlay and management zones.
Sensor-fusion can be a reasonable approach for signals independent of their tem-
poral stability, preferably for online control, yet also for delayed control via map-
ping. Map-overlay as well as management zones should be based on properties that
are temporally stable. All these technologies for merging the information depend on
a solid logic for the fusion of site-specifi c signals. This logic should be oriented at
high yields in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Keywords Cluster analysis • Data cleaning • Data fusion • Intra-crop transfer •
Inter-crop transfer • Perennial maps • Precision agriculture cycles • Predictive
approach • Reactive approach • Sensor fusion
Crop Growth Factors, Sensing and Information Use
The dominating aim in site-specifi c farming is to provide for high crop yields in an
environmentally sustainable manner. Accordingly, the site-specifi c control of the
growth factors for a locally optimal crop development must be provided, e.g . the
supply with water, nutrients and the protection against weeds plus pests. The signals
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