Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 8.11 Field sown with maize after maize without any previous cultivation by using row clean-
ers in front of the seeding units ( right ). The insert ( left ) shows a row cleaner for site-specific depth
control in front of a seeding unit (Courtesy of Yetter Mfg. Co. Inc., rearranged and altered)
Fig. 8.12 Inter-row sowing
of wheat after wheat. The
protection against soil erosion
is evident (Courtesy of
gps-Ag, Kangoroo Flat,
Seeding into strips that are less loaded with residues can also be achieved by
inter-row sowing . This method relies on placing the seeds in furrows that are located
precisely between the stubble rows of the previous crop (Fig. 8.12 ). A prerequisite
for this is that subsequent crops either have the same- or multiple row widths. Precise
seed placement is obtained by using machinery guidance via a global positioning
system with real-time kinematic corrections (RTK-GPS). The positioning control is
arranged in such a way that year after year the rows of the previous crop can be
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