Biology Reference
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Figure 19: Electron micrographs of G . unigranulatum BCCUSP352 strain cross (A) and longitudinal sections (B and C). Scale
bar 500 nm. Photographs courtesy M. D. C. Bittencourt-Olievera, Department of Biological Sciences, Luiz de Queiroz College
of Agriculture, University of S˜o Paulo, Piracicaba 13418-900, SP, Brazil.
from genera Anabaena , Aphanizomenon , Planktothrix , Cylindrospermopsis and Gloeotrichia ) (Janse et al .,
2003). DGGE of hetR gene for resolving the differences in between strains of Trichodesmium and Nostoc
(Palinska et al ., 1996; Orcutt et al ., 2002) and nifH for determining the diversity of nitrogen-fi xing
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