Biology Reference
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Figure 3: Filaments of Nodularia spumigena from Scandinavian Culture Collection for Algae and Protozoa (SCCAP
K-1353). Picture courtesy Gert Hansen, S candinavian C ulture C ollection of A lgae & P rotozoa, Department of Biology,
University of Copenhagen, Oester Farimagsgade 2D, DK-1353, Copenhagen, Denmark (
Thiel (1987) reported the presence of L-leucine and aminoisobutyric acid at Xaa and Zaa positions
in a strain of M . aeruginosa . Watanabe et al . (1988) compared the MC content of different strains of
Microcystis (belonging to M . aeruginosa , M . viridis and M . wesenbergii ). One strain of M . aeruginosa
showed high amounts of MC-YR and a lesser amount of MC-LR. However, three toxins, i.e. MC-
RR, MC-YR and MC-LR were detected in two other strains of M . aeruginosa and four of M. viridis .
The main component of toxin in these species was MC-RR while M . wesenbergii did not show the
presence of any of the three MCs observed in the rest of the two species. Another variant, MC-LY with
L-leucine and L-tyrosine at Xaa and Zaa positions has been reported from a strain of M . aeruginosa
(Stoner et al ., 1989). MC-HtyR is a rare variant of MC produced by A . fl os-aquae , M . aeruginosa ,
M . aeruginosa UTEX and M . viridi s with homo-tyrosine and arginine at Xaa and Zaa positions
(Botes et al ., 1985; Watanabe et al ., 1988; Harada et al ., 1991a; Oh et al ., 2000). Another such variant
containing 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrotyrosine and arginine, designated as MC-(H 4 )YR, from Microcystis spp.
was isolated by Harada et al . (1991a). MC-RR has also been recorded from A . fl os - aquae , Anabaena
sp. strain 90, and Anabaena sp. strain 141 (Sivonen et al ., 1992a). Bloom samples of Microcystis spp.
produced MC-AR, MC-FR (phenylalanine and arginine), MC-M(O)R and MC-WR (1-tryptophan
and arginine) (Namikoshi et al ., 1992a). L-Glutamate and its δ-methylester [E(Ome)] are reported
to exist at Xaa and Zaa positions in MC-L-Glu[E(Ome)] in the MC produced by Anabaena sp. strain
186 (Namikoshi et al ., 1998). Seven new MCs containing dehydroalanine (Dha) or L-serine (L-Ser)
instead of N-methyldehydroalanine unit and the L-Glu and/its δ-methyl ester [E (Ome) in place
of the two variable L-amino acids at Xaa and Zaa positions have been isolated from Anabaena sp.
strain 186 (Namikoshi et al ., 1998). M . aeruginosa UTEX B 2666 produced MC-LF (with leucine and
phenylalanine at Xaa and Zaa positions) besides MC-LA, MC-LAba and MC-LR (Diehnelt et al .,
2006). Other MCs such as MC-VF, MC-HilR, MC-LL, MC-LF and MC-LW respectively contain valine,
phenylalanine; homoisoleucine, arginine; leucine, leucine; leucine, phenylalanine and leucine,
1-tryptophan at Xaa and Zaa positions. These have been described from cultures of M . aeruginosa
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