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Figure 16: Anabaena fl os-aquae (A), Aphanizomenon fl os - aquae (B), Anabaena spiroides (C) and Anabaenopsis circularis (D).
Magnifi cation of A is x2500 in the rest the magnifi cation bar represents 10 µm (B and D) and 20 µm (C). Picture A courtesy
Wayne Carmichael (Wright State University), Mark Schneegurt (Wichita State University) and Cyanosite (www-cyanosite. and. Pictures B, C and D courtesy of Roger Burks (University of California at Riverside), Mark Schneegurt
(Wichita State University) and Cyanosite (
°C). In contrast, Calothrix sp. strains PCC 7102 and PCC 7709 exhibited a lower 16S rDNA sequence
similarity (96.4%) but higher RB (74%) at ΔT m 4°C. Anabaena PCC 7804 exhibited 95.1% and 95.6%
16S rDNA similarity with Cylindrospermum PCC 7417 and Nodularia PCC 7804 but the total DNA
homology is 23% and 19%, respectively. Due to the complexity involved in the clustering of the
strains of Anabaena and Aphanizomenon , a phylogenetic comparison of these two genera (26 strains
of the former and 14 strains of the latter) based on sequencing of 16S rRNA gene, 16S rRNA-23S
rRNA ITS1 region and rbcXL gene has been done by Gugger et al . (2002). Planktic Anabaena strains
were indistinguishable from Aphanizomenon . These two genera have been found to be polyphyletic
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