Biology Reference
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Figure 5: Akinete formation in Anabaena torulosa . (A) nitrate-free medium, 20th day; (B) germination of akinetes in nitrate-free
medium, 2nd day; (C) a hormogone without heterocysts showing maturation of akinetes in nitrate medium, 8th day; (D) a
hormogone showing maturation of akinete in nitrate medium with citrate, 6th day; (E) akinete in the process of germination
in nitrate medium, 10th day; (F) akinetes from nitrate medium undergoing germination, 18th day; (G) two pairs of akinetes
of which one pair has germinated giving rise two-celled germlings and of the second pair one has lost the granular contents
from nitrate medium with citrate, 10th day; (H) akinetes from nitrite with citrate undergoing germination, 10th day; (I)
hormogones in pairs from nitrite medium with citrate, 10th day. x 1,950 (From Sarma and Malhotra, 1989).
7) Reserve products : Glycogen and cyanophycin granule polypeptide (CGP) constitute the major
reserve products in cyanobacteria (Wolk, 1973; Shively, 1974). Electron microscope studies revealed
the presence of glycogen granules in the interlamellar spaces of vegetative cells (Ris and Singh,
1961; Pankratz and Bowen, 1963; Giesey, 1964) and abundance of CGP granules in older cells or
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