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(3 genes including ntcA ), ARS family (2 genes), Fur family (3 genes) and single genes for heat-shock
gene repressor HrcA . In addition, a complete set of genes for σ factors for RNA polymerase ( SigA-D ,
SigF and SigG1 / G2 ) except SigE homologue have been identifi ed. G . violaceus PCC7421 possesses
relatively large number of transcription factors in the LuxR, LysR, PadR, TetR and MarR families.
There are 14 genes for σ factors that include one gene for SigA, fi ve genes for group 2 σ, six genes for
extra-cytoplasmic type σ and two genes for group 3 σ factors (Nakamura et al ., 2003). In Synechococcus
sp. strain WH8102, in addition to the principal RNA polymerase σ factor (SigA SYNW1783 ) fi ve types
of type 2 σ factors are characteristically present as in other cyanobacteria. One homologue of type
3 σ factor is present in contrast to seven noted in other cyanobacterial genomes sequenced earlier
( Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803, Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 and T . elongatus BP-1 (Palenik et
al ., 2003). S . elongatus PCC 6301 has 36 genes assigned for transcription factors. Of these, nine of
the encoded transcription factors belong to the response regulator OmpR family while the others
fall into LysR family (Sugita et al ., 2006). In M . aeruginosa NIES-843, 43 genes encode transcription
factors. A global regulator for nitrogen assimilation NtcAI, a regulator for nirate assimilation (NtcB),
a regulator for RuBisCO (RbcR), a regulator for genes for subunits of NAD dehydrogenase (NdhR), a
cyclic AMP receptor protein for cell motility (SyCrp1), an inhibitor for genes for GroESL (HrcA) and a
regulator for zinc effl ux system (ZinR) are common with other cyanobacteria (Kaneko et al ., 2008).
Cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) is an important transcriptional regulator in bacteria and the
range of genes regulated by it in cyanobacteria has come out by the studies of Xu and Su (2009),
who conducted a computational prediction of CRP-binding sites in 29 cyanobacterial genomes.
Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 genome has two genes sll1371 and sll1924 that encode SyCRP1
and SyCRP2, respectively. In case of Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 also there are two genes alr0295
and alr2325 that encode AnCRPA and AnCRPB, respectively. Orthologues of SyCRP1 one each have
been detected in ten other cyanobacterial genomes [ A . marina MBIC 11017, A . variabils ATCC 29413,
strains of P . marinus MIT 9313 and MIT 9303, strains of Synechococcus sp. CC9311, CC9605, JA-3-3-
A'b, JA-2-3-3B'a (2-13), T . elongatus BP-1 and T . erythraeum IMS101]. The rest of the 17 cyanobacterial
strains [ G . violaceus PCC 7421, P . marinus strains AS9601, MIT9211, MIT9215, MIT9301, MIT9312,
MIT9515, NATL1A, NATL2A, CCMP1375, MED4, S . elongatus PCC 6301, S . elongatus PCC 7942,
and strains of Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 9902, RCC307, WH7803, WH8102] do not have the crp
gene in their genomes. There seems to be a great variation in the number and type of target genes
in the 12 cyanobacterial strains that showed the crp gene. Majority of the CRP-regulated genes are
distributed among fi ve cyanobacterial genomes ( Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803, Anabaena sp.
strain PCC 7120, A . variabilis ATCC 29413, A . marina MBIC11017 and T . erythraeum IMS101) and
the number of target genes in these fi ve cyanobacteria differed from one another in the functional
domains of photosynthesis, carbon fi xation, nitrogen assimilation, transporters/porins, kinases
and transcription factors. A comparison made on the basis of total number of genes, number of
transcription units, number of CRP-regulated genes, number of CRP-regulated transcription units
and the number of CRP-regulated genes shared with E . coli revealed that Anabaena sp. strain PCC
7120 ranks fi rst followed by Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 (Xu and Su, 2009).
In enteric bacteria such as E . coli and other proteobacteria, nitrogen control is mediated by
NtrB-NtrC two-component system (Reitzer, 2003). In contrast, in cyanobacteria nitrogen control
is governed by NtcA, a global transcriptional regulator that belongs to a class of CRP-family. This
helps in the repression of pathways for assimilation of nitrogen when more readily assimilable
form of nitrogen is available. The binding sites of NtcA on DNA are highly conserved and possess
a sequence of GTAN8TAC. In addition, all NtcA-activated genes also contain a 10-mer sequence
(Herrero et al ., 2001). In view of regulation by NtcA of many genes involved not only in nitrogen
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