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400 nm
750 nm
Figure 10: Proposed models of PBS structure for the different Synechococcus pigment types and subtypes. PBS cores are
generally composed of three cylinders, but in some chromatic adapters possessing an extended L CM , it is likely composed
of two additional half cylinders (according to Ducret et al ., 1998). In pigment type 1, rods are composed of C-PC only; in
pigment type 2, rods are composed of either C-PC, or R-PCIII and a PEI-like phycobiliprotein; in pigment type 3, rods
comprise R-PC and two PE types (PEI and PEII). Cells of the latter pigment type bind PEB and PUB at a low (3a), medium
(3b), high (3c) or variable (3d or type IV chromatic adapter) ratio. Colored stars indicate the pigment type of each strain.
Lower block represents color code. With the kind permission of F. Partensky, UMR 7144 Université Paris VI and CNRS,
Station Biologique, Groupe Plancton Océanique, F-29682 Roscoff cedex, France [Six et al. (2007) Genome Biology 8: R259;
Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the topic.
rod core-linker and L CM denotes core-membrane linker of PBS. Ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase
(FNR) transfers electrons from ferredoxin to NADP + to generate NADPH with an average value
of 1.3 FNR per PBS. It has three functional domains. One of the domains at N-terminal end
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