Information Technology Reference
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7. The Windows workgroup name isn't displayed by using the Ipconfig command. To display
your NetBIOS name and workgroup name, type nbtstat -n and press Enter . The workgroup
name is shown in the Name column in the row listing GROUP in the Type column.
8. Leave the command prompt window open for the next activity.
If your Server Core system is going to participate as a member of a Windows domain, you
can use the Netdom command as follows:
netdom join ComputerName /domain: DomainName /userd: UserName
/passwordd: password
ComputerName is the name of your computer, DomainName is the name of the domain you
want to join, and UserName is the name of the domain user account with permission to join the
domain. The password is the password for the user account specified by UserName . (The two
Ds in the /passwordd option are indeed correct.)
One of the final postinstallation tasks is enabling automatic updates. The command for con-
figuring automatic updates is actually a Visual Basic script that edits the Registry, as you see in
Activity 2-13.
Activity 2-13: Enabling Automatic Updates in Server Core
Time Required: 10 minutes
Objective: Enable automatic updates to keep your Server Core system up to date with patches
and bug fixes.
Description: You're working on a Server Core system that you're unfamiliar with, so you want
to verify that automatic updates are enabled and, if not, enable them.
1. Log on to Server Core as Administrator and open a command prompt window, if necessary.
2. If necessary, type cd \windows\system32 and press Enter to change to this directory. To view
the current status of automatic updates, type cscript scregedit.wsf /au /v and press Enter . If
they aren't configured, you should see the reply “Value not set.”
3. To enable automatic updates, type cscript scregedit.wsf /au 4 and press Enter . You should
see the reply “Registry has been updated.” The value 4 in this command specifies enabling
automatic updates and having available updates downloaded and installed automatically at
3:00 a.m. every day.
You can disable automatic updates by typing cscript scregedit.wsf /au 1
and pressing Enter.
4. Next, restart the Automatic Updates service by typing net stop wuauserv and pressing Enter ,
followed by typing net start wuauserv and pressing Enter .
5. To check for updates immediately, type wuauclt /detectnow and press Enter . Finally, to check
which updates are installed, type wmic qfe list and press Enter . If no updates are installed,
you see the message “No Instance(s) Available.”
6. Close the command prompt window.
If you want to configure automatic updates beyond using the default settings, you can edit
the Registry. The Registry Editor is one of the few graphical utilities available in Server Core. For
details on editing the Registry for automatic updates, consult a good book on the subject. The best
method for configuring automatic updates in Server Core and applying this policy to all comput-
ers in the domain is to use Group Policy in Active Directory (discussed in Chapters 3 and 7).
Of course, you might want to perform more configuration tasks in Server Core, such as
installing and configuring server roles and features. Chapter 13 covers managing Windows Server
2008 and the Server Core option in depth.
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