Information Technology Reference
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The options for setting quotas are as follows:
Enable quota management —When this check box is selected, quotas are enabled on the
volume. (Quotas are disabled by default.) After they're enabled, the quota system begins
tracking each user's disk use and creates quota entries with details on usage. To see quota
entries, click the Quota Entries button.
Deny disk space to users exceeding quota limit —This option prevents users from saving
files to the volume when their limit is exceeded. When this check box is not selected,
administrators can still view disk quota entries and use the logging options to monitor
how much space each user is using.
Do not limit disk usag e—When this option is selected, no disk use limits are set, but the
quota system tracks usage for each user.
Limit disk space to —When this option is selected, administrators can specify the maxi-
mum amount of space users can occupy and set a warning level that must be less than or
equal to the limit. Disk space can be specified in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), giga-
bytes (GB), terabytes (TB), petabytes (PB), or exabytes (EB).
Log event when a user exceeds their quota limit —Selecting this option creates an entry
in the event log when users exceed their quota limits. These events are written only after
the NTFS driver scans the disk for quota entries that exceed the limit or warning level.
Scanning occurs at one-hour intervals by default.
Log event when a user exceeds their warning level —Selecting this option creates an entry
in the event log when users exceed their warning levels.
Quota Entries —Clicking this button opens the Quota Entries window, where you can
view users' disk usage information. In addition, the limits specified in the Quota tab can
be overridden by editing or creating an entry for a user. Figure 6-2 shows the Quota
Entries window.
Figure 6-2
The Quota Entries window
By default, administrators aren't subject to quota limits. For example, in Figure 6-2, the local
Administrators group's entry specifies no limits. If you want to impose quotas on specific admin-
istrators, you can create a new quota entry for each of these administrators and set limits. You
can create quota entries for regular users as well, if you want to specify a different limit or warn-
ing level from those in the volume's Quota tab. Note that quota entries can be created only for
user accounts, not groups.
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