Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-7. The current state of the Draw event for the parent Zool object
Note If you run the game at the moment, it will exit immediately. Why is this? Well, if you think about it,
the Create event of obj_zool changes the instance into obj_zool_land , performing the Destroy and
Create events of obj_zool and obj_zool_land , respectively. Yet, obj_zool_land inherits its Create
event from obj_zool , so its Create event will also change the instance into obj_zool_land . This sets an
infinite loop in motion, and Game Maker aborts the program.
The Zool Land State Object
Reopen obj_zool_land and add a Create event. Include a Set Variable action ( control
tab) that sets a variable state to ZSTATE_STAND .
Include a Set Gravity action ( move tab) that sets Direction to 270 (downward) and
Gravity to 0 (off). All the land-based movement will work with gravity turned off, as it
makes things simpler that way.
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