Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-2. Flynn is our hero-a young boy from a fishing village
The Beginnings of a Story
This is another subject that we could spend a lot of time on. There are plenty of ways to build up a
story and some very good models that we can use to help us with the structure. Chapter 8 will go
into that in lots of detail, but for now let's simplify.
In the most basic form, you could say that a story is a problem that gets solved. You have to
have a problem or you will have no tension. And tension makes a story. If they all live happily ever
after already, then what will the story be about? Playing ball in a field and coming home for
dinner? It doesn't work. What we need is a start, middle, and an end. Then we have a story.
Start: We introduce our hero.
Middle: Our hero goes on an adventure and overcomes some obstacles.
End: Our hero overcomes a final battle and returns home stronger and wiser.
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