Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Select the obj_slope Collision event. Highlight the Move to Contact action and Paste
the Execute Script action in its place. Edit the Execute Script action and change
Argument0 to 270 . Delete the Move to Contact action .
4. Select the obj_ramp Collision event. Highlight the Move to Contact action and Paste
the Execute Script action in its place. Edit the Execute Script action and change
Argument0 to 270 . Delete the Move to Contact action.
5. Reopen obj_zool_land and select the End Step event.
6. Highlight the Move to Contact action (some way down) and Paste the Execute Script
action in its place. Edit the Execute Script action and change Argument0 to 270 and
Argument2 to obj_platform . Delete the Move to Contact action.
7. Select the obj_ramp Collision event. Highlight the Move to Contact action and Paste
the Execute Script action in its place. Edit the Execute Script action and change
Argument0 to 270 . Delete the Move to Contact action .
8. Select the obj_solid Collision event . Highlight the Move to Contact action and Paste
the Execute Script action in its place. No need to edit the Execute Script action this
time. Delete the Move to Contact action afterward.
9. Reopen obj_zool_ice and select the End Step event.
10. Highlight the Move to Contact action and Paste the Execute Script action in its place.
Edit the Execute Script action and change Argument0 to 270 and Argument2 to
obj_slope . Delete the Move to Contact action afterward.
11. Select the obj_slope Collision event. Highlight the Move to Contact action and Paste
the Execute Script action in its place. Edit the Execute Script action and change
Argument0 to 270 . Delete the Move to Contact action .
12. Select the obj_solid Collision event. Highlight the Move to Contact action and Paste
the Execute Script action in its place. No need to edit the Execute Script action this
time. Delete the Move to Contact action afterward.
13. Reopen obj_zool_wall and select the obj_solid Collision event.
14. Highlight the Move to Contact action and Paste the Execute Script action in its place.
No need to edit the Execute Script action this time. Delete the Move to Contact action.
Note that all the Collision events should use obj_solid for Argument2 . This is because Zool
may collide with more than one type of object in a single step (at the join between a ramp and a
platform, for example). In this situation, both collision events would be called, and either could
produce incorrect results if they didn't take into account all solid objects when moving to contact
position. Now give your game a thorough retest to make sure that nothing has been broken by
this switch over. If you have any problems, then revert to the file zool8.gmk in the
Chapter05/Games directory on the CD.
Health Hazards
There can't be many ninjas that regularly go up against licorice-based opponents, but that's
exactly what Zool will do in our Sweet World. Spikes, Jellies, Beasties, and Bees are just some of
the hazards Zool will have to overcome if he's to make it to the minty freshness of the exit. In this
section, we'll take these hazards in turn and make them get in Zool's way.
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