Game Development Reference
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6. Select the End Step event and include all the following actions above the existing ones.
7. Include a Test Variable action that tests if the Variable state is equal to ZSTATE_STAND .
8. Immediately follow this with another Test Variable action that tests if the Variable
speed is larger than SKID_SPEED . This will ensure that the following actions will only be
executed if Zool is standing but still moving quite fast—that is, he has just stopped
running and friction hasn't brought him to a standstill yet.
9. Include a Start Block action.
10. Include a Set Variable action that sets the Variable state to the Value ZSTATE_SKID .
11. Include a Play Sound action ( main1 tab) to play snd_skid with Loop set to false .
12. Include an End Block action ( control tab). This covers switching into the skid state, so
now we need to make sure that it goes back to standing again afterwards.
13. Include a Test Variable action that tests if the Variable state is equal to ZSTATE_SKID .
14. Immediately follow this with another Test Variable action that tests if the Variable
speed is smaller than 1 .
15. Follow this with a Set Variable action that sets the Variable state to the Value
ZSTATE_STAND . The End Step event of obj_zool_land should now contain the 25 actions
shown in Figure 4-21. Give yourself a round of applause!
And that's it—you can now skid Zool around the test level to your heart's content. Give the
game a really good play-test to iron out any mistakes, or alternatively you can use the file
zool6.gmk in the Chapter04/Games directory on the CD.
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