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representation of spatial information with a GIS has - in the view of many - much
more credibility and objectivity than a qualitative and highly generalised carto-
graphic representation such as that used for the French trend scenarios, which
openly communicates that the illustration is not exclusively based on 'hard' facts
but also involves a certain amount of interpretation. The reports and maps pre-
pared under the Spanish and Italian presidencies were eventually discarded by the
other member states as 'scientific studies of little political relevance'. 2
The next important steps in visualising the European territory in the ESDP process
were taken under the Dutch presidency in preparing the first official draft of the
ESDP. A cartographic group was set up, comprising experts from the Netherlands,
the European Commission, Germany, France, Italy and Spain, and co-ordinated by
the Dutch presidency. The focus was on providing a spatial analysis database as
well as spatial policy maps for each of the three 'spheres of activity'.
Numerous cartographic representations were prepared by the cartographic
group during the Dutch presidency to illustrate the spatial characteristics of the
territory for the analytical part of the draft ESDP. Many of the illustrations had been
revised numerous times, according to comments received by CSD delegates, only
to be abandoned in the end as no agreement could be reached. For example, the
cartographic team put much work into an illustration of the 'Territorial Framework'
(see Plate 12), which differentiated between urban and rural areas having a
stronger and weaker economic structure. The illustration was in the end vetoed by
the Spanish delegation, because of its possible connection with the EU Cohesion
Policy. In an internal note from the cartographic group to the CSD the following
explanation is given for the omission of the 'territorial framework' map:
Important arguments in favour of taking the typology example along were the
fact that it illustrates well the added value of the spatial approach and that it
sketches clearly the further direction into which the ESDP would develop. Also
the fact that the majority of member states have reacted constructively with
amendment proposals was given due consideration.
Nevertheless, the political risks . . ., especially the risk of misinterpretation
as a proposition instead of an example and its unintended influence on current
negotiations on the reform of Structural Funds as well as the CAP, ultimately
turned the scales in favour of not including the example in the present draft ESDP.
(Note dated 26 May 1997, archives of VROM)
An illustration depicting the spatial organisation of the EU in terms of urban and
rural areas (see Plate 13) was heavily criticised as an oversimplified presentation of
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