Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 5.3 Strain modes and rotation, and their measures: upper graphs, extension and contraction;
lower graphs, shear and rotation. Note that shear and rotation are drawn for positive signs
Example 5.2. Simple shear is given by o d x
o y 6 ¼ 0
, with other displacement derivatives equal
to zero. Then the xy shear strain is 2 o d x
2 o d x
and the rotation around z-axis is
o y
o y
o y ¼ o d y
shear, we have o d x
o x 6 ¼ 0
, with other displacement derivatives equal to zero. Then the
xy shear strain is o d x
o y
and the rotation is zero. In both cases the spherical strain is zero
= 0).
Velocity equals the rate of displacement, and consequently the strain-rate and the
rotation rate or the vorticity are obtained from the velocity gradient just as strain and
rotation were obtained from the displacement gradient.
5.1.3 Rheological Models
The basic models are linear elastic or Hooke
s medium, linear viscous or Newton
medium, and ideal plastic or St. Venant
s medium (e.g., Mase 1970; Hunter 1976). One-
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