Database Reference
In-Depth Information
RESUME Resume execution
FLUSH Flush pending writes to trace file
CLOSE_TRACE Close trace file
TRACEFILE_NAME Get name of trace file
LKDEBUG Invoke global enqueue service debugger
NSDBX Invoke CGS name-service debugger
-G <Inst-List | def | all> Parallel oradebug command prefix
-R <Inst-List | def | all> Parallel oradebug prefix (return output
SETINST <instance# .. | all> Set instance list in double quotes
SGATOFILE <SGA dump dir> Dump SGA to file; dirname in double quotes
DMPCOWSGA <SGA dump dir> Dump & map SGA as COW; dirname in double
MAPCOWSGA <SGA dump dir> Map SGA as COW; dirname in double
HANGANALYZE [level] [syslevel] Analyze system hang
FFBEGIN Flash Freeze the Instance
FFDEREGISTER FF deregister instance from cluster
FFTERMINST Call exit and terminate instance
FFRESUMEINST Resume the flash frozen instance
FFSTATUS Flash freeze status of instance
SKDSTTPCS <ifname> <ofname> Helps translate PCs to names
WATCH <address> <len> <self|exist|all|target> Watch a region of memory
DELETE <local|global|target> watchpoint <id> Delete a watchpoint
SHOW <local|global|target> watchpoints Show watchpoints
CORE Dump core without crashing process
IPC Dump ipc information
UNLIMIT Unlimit the size of the trace file
PROCSTAT Dump process statistics
CALL <func> [arg1] ... [argn] Invoke function with arguments
ORADEBUG HELP command displays a single line help text on a command . Yet, this is no more
detailed than what ORADEBUG HELP provides.
Attaching to a Process
Attaching to a target process is required before any ORADEBUG commands may be executed. The
following three options exist:
Attaching to your own server process—the process serving your SQL*Plus session.
Attaching to a foreign server process by ORACLE process identifier.
Attaching to a foreign process by operating system process identifier.
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