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Used HOSTNAME adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(CONNECT_DATA=(
OK (10 msec)
When using the easy connect format with tnsping , the instance_service_name is optional.
If specified, it is not verified by tnsping .
IP=FIRST Disabled
Let's investigate what happens when IP=FIRST is disabled. The following tests were performed
with Oracle10 g , since Oracle9 i does not support IP=FIRST . However, an Oracle9 i TNS Listener
has the same behavior as an Oracle10 g or Oracle11 g TNS Listener without IP=FIRST . The test
system's host name is This host name maps to the boot IP address
$ ping -c 1 `hostname`
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.011 ms
Host Name
For this demonstration, the TNS Listener configuration in listener.ora contained the host
name of the test system.
Coming back to the digression on UNIX network programming with sockets, let's take a
look at the bind calls the TNS Listener makes when IP=FIRST is disabled. On Linux, strace may
be used to trace the bind system calls the TNS Listener makes. The basic syntax for starting and
tracing a process with strace is as follows:
strace -f -o output_file command arguments
The switch -f tells strace to trace across forks (creation of a child process) and -o is for
specifying the output file where strace writes the system calls it captured. So let's start a TNS
Listener under the control of strace .
$ strace -f -o /tmp/strace_no_ip_first.out lsnrctl start
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