Database Reference
In-Depth Information
parse time elapsed 1.4 .8
hard parse elapsed time 0.4 .2
hard parse (sharing criteria) elaps 0.0 .0
repeated bind elapsed time 0.0 .0
DB time 180.6
Session Statistics DB/Inst: TEN/TEN1 Snaps: 291-301
Session Id: 139 Serial#: 41757
Statistic Total per Second
--------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
active txn count during cleanout 948 3
consistent gets 31,335 113
cpu used by this session 18,117 65
parse time cpu 30 0
physical read total bytes 655,360 2,366
redo size 92,965,180 335,614
session pga memory max 4,718,592 17,035
sql*net roundtrips to/from client 283,503 1,023
workarea executions - optimal 56 0
A resource profile may be derived from the session-specific sections by using the DB CPU
from the “Session Time Model Stats” section and the wait events from the “Session Wait
Events” section. In Oracle9 i , CPU consumption is represented by the statistic “CPU used by
this session”. The response time equates the interval covered by the begin and end snapshots
(value “Elapsed” at the beginning of the report). The difference between the measurement
interval and total wait time plus DB CPU is calculated and reported as “unknown”. A large
portion of “unknown” time may mean that the session did not get the CPU or that the code
path captured is incompletely instrumented. There may also have been a long ongoing wait
such as SQL*Net message from client , which has not yet been incorporated into V$SESSION_EVENT .
Table 28-1 displays the resource profile calculated with this approach.
Table 28-1. Resource Profile Derived from a Session Level Statspack Report
Response Time Contributor
179.2 s
SQL*Net message from client
72.0 s
24.0 s
log file switch completion
1.0 s
SQL*Net message to client
1.0 s
Response time
277.2 s
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