Database Reference
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db file scattered read file# block# blocks
db file sequential read file# block# blocks
direct path read file number first dba block cnt
direct path write file number first dba block cnt
enq: MR - contention name|mode 0 or file # type
enq: ST - contention name|mode 0 0
enq: TM - contention name|mode object # table/partition
enq: TX - allocate ITL entry name|mode usn<<16 | slot sequence
enq: TX - contention name|mode usn<<16 | slot sequence
enq: TX - index contention name|mode usn<<16 | slot sequence
enq: TX - row lock contention name|mode usn<<16 | slot sequence
enq: UL - contention name|mode id 0
enq: US - contention name|mode undo segment # 0
latch free address number tries
latch: gcs resource hash address number tries
latch: ges resource hash list address number tries
latch: library cache address number tries
latch: library cache lock address number tries
latch: library cache pin address number tries
latch: redo allocation address number tries
latch: redo copy address number tries
latch: shared pool address number tries
Parameters of WAIT entries relate to data dictionary or V$ views. For example, the parame-
ters “file#” and “file number” both correspond to V$DATAFILE.FILE# , the parameter “object#”
refers to DBA_OBJECTS.OBJECT_ID , and the parameter “address” of latch waits corresponds to
V$LATCH.ADDRESS . Since latch and enqueue wait event names are more specific in Oracle10 g ,
the need to drill down to the referenced enqueue or latch through the parameters of a wait
event has been greatly reduced compared to Oracle9 i .
WAIT in Oracle9 i
WAIT entry parameters in Oracle9 i are called p1 , p2 , and p3 generically. The meanings of the param-
eters are not evident from their names as in Oracle10 g . Instead, the meanings of the parameters
must be derived from the wait event name using the documentation or V$EVENT_NAME . The
parameters of Oracle9 i WAIT entries are provided in Table 24-10.
Table 24-10. Oracle9i WAIT Parameters
Elapsed time in microseconds (centiseconds in de-supported releases such as
Oracle8 i and earlier).
First parameter of the wait event. The meaning of the parameter is to be found
in V$EVENT_NAME.PARAMETER1 . The value corresponds to V$SESSION_WAIT.P1 .
Second parameter of the wait event, analogous to p1 , i.e., look at V$EVENT_NAME.
PARAMETER2 for the meaning of the parameter.
Third parameter of the wait event, analogous to p1 .
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