Database Reference
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99 $sth->bind_param_inout(":id", \$id, 38);
100 # bind_param is for sending bind variable values to the DBMS
101 # assign value to bind variable (placeholder :name)
102 $sth->bind_param(":name", $name);
103 # assign value to bind variable "phone"
104 $sth->bind_param(":phone", $phone);
105 # execute the INSERT statement
106 $sth->execute();
107 printf "New customer with id %d inserted.\n", $id;
108 }
109 };
110 # check for exceptions
111 if ($@) {
112 printf STDERR "ROLLBACK due to Oracle error %d: %s\n", $dbh->err, $@;
113 # ROLLBACK any previous INSERTs
114 $dbh->rollback;
115 exit;
116 } else {
117 # commit once at end
118 $dbh->commit;
119 }
120 $sth->finish; # close statement handle
121 $dbh->disconnect; # disconnect from ORACLE instance
Line 35 imports the package File::Basename , which contains the function basename . The
Perl command basename works in the same way as the UNIX command by the same name. It
returns the file component from a path name by stripping one or more directories from the
string. The command basename is used to make sure that neither the module name nor the
TRACEFILE_IDENTIFIER contain illegal or unwanted characters such as the directory separator
( / ) that may be contained in the Perl variable $0 .
The connect statement, which sets the recommended values for RaiseError (1),
PrintError (0), and AutoCommit (0) is in line 39. An eval block used to catch exceptions from
DBI method invocations encompasses lines 47 to 109. The check for the environment variable
SQL_TRACE_LEVEL is in line 51. The range of values is the same as for event 10046 (1, 4, 8, 12, see
also Chapter 24). If the environment variable is set, SQL trace is enabled in line 53 with ALTER
SESSION SET EVENTS . The name of the Perl program is used as the TRACEFILE_IDENTIFIER in line
52 to facilitate locating trace files in the directory set as USER_DUMP_DEST .
Lines 62 to 77 show how to call PL/SQL packages by embedding them in an anonymous
block. The publicly accessible package DBMS_UTILITY is called three times in a single anonymous
block to retrieve information on the instance and database.
Lines 79 to 86 and 92 exemplify how conveniently fetching data can be coded with the DBI.
With bind_columns , variables with meaningful names are used for accessing column values
retrieved with the Perl DBI method fetchrow_array . Without bind_columns , array syntax such
as $row[ column_index ] must be used, where column_index starts at 0 and designates columns
in the SELECT column list from left to right.
The INSERT statement, which contains bind variables and is thus reusable, is parsed once
before entering the loop by calling prepare in line 94. It would be a costly mistake to place the
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