Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter Summary
The main collection interfaces are Collection<T> , Set<T> , and List<T> . The
Set<T> and List<T> interfaces extend the Collection<T> interface. The
library classes that are standard to use and that implement these interfaces are
HashSet<T> , which implements the Set<T> interface, and ArrayList<T> , which
implements the List<T> interface.
A Set<T> does not allow repeated elements and does not order its elements.
A List<T> allows repeated elements and orders its elements.
The Map<K,V> interface is used to store a mapping between a key K and a value V .
It is commonly used to store databases in memory. The HashMap<K,V> class is a
standard library class that implements a map.
An iterator is something that allows you to examine and possibly modify the ele-
ments in a collection in some sequential order. Java formalizes this concept with
the two interfaces Iterator<T> and ListIterator<T> .
An Iterator<T> (with only the required methods implemented) goes through the
elements of the collection in one direction only, from the beginning to the end.
A ListIterator<T> can move through the collection list in both directions, for-
ward and back. A ListIterator<T> has a set method; the Iterator<T> interface
does not require a set method.
Answers to Self-Test Exercises
1 . public static <T> boolean inSome(T target,
Collection<T> c1, Collection<T> c2)
return (c1.contains(target) || c2.contains(target));
2 . public static <T> T getFirst(List<T> aList)
if (aList.isEmpty())
return null ;
return aList.get(0);
3. public static boolean noNull(Set<?> s)
return (s.remove( null ));
4. No.
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