Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The general idea of next and previous is clear, but we need to make it precise if you
are to understand the next() and previous() methods of the ListIterator<T>
interface. Every ListIterator<T> has a position marker in the list known as the
cursor . If the list has n elements, they are numbered by indices 0 through n -1,
but there are n + 1 cursor positions, as indicated in Display 16.16. When next() is
invoked, the element immediately following the cursor position is returned and the
cursor is moved to the next cursor position. When previous() is invoked, the element
immediately before the cursor position is returned, and the cursor is moved back to the
preceding cursor position.
The ListIterator<T> Interface
The ListIterator<T> interface extends the Iterator<T> interface. The ListIterator<T>
interface differs from the Iterator<T> interface by adding the following abilities: A
ListIterator<T> can move in either direction along the list of elements in the collection,
and a ListIterator<T> has methods, such as set and add , that can be used to change the
elements in the collection.
Display 16.16 ListIterator<T> Cursor Positions
element 0 element 1 element 2 ... element n -1
Cursor positions
The default initial cursor position is the leftmost one.
PITFALL: next Can Return a Reference
If i is an iterator, then returns an element of the collection that created i ,
but there are two meanings of “return an element.”
1. The invocation could return a copy of the element in the collection
(for example, using a copy constructor or a clone method).
2. Alternatively, could return a reference to the element in the collection.
In case (1), modifying will not change the element in the collection (pro-
vided the copy was a deep copy). In case (2), modifying will change the
element in the collection. The APIs for both the Iterator<T> and ListIterator<T>
interfaces are vague on whether you should follow policy (1) or (2), but the iterators
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