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Display 16.6 HashSet<T> Class Demo (part 2 of 3)
25 System.out.println("Contents of set round: ");
26 outputSet(round);
27 System.out.println("\nContents of set green: ");
28 outputSet(green);
29 System.out.println("\nball in set 'round'? " +
30 round.contains("ball"));
31 System.out.println("ball in set 'green'? " +
32 green.contains("ball"));
33 System.out.println("\nball and peas in same set? "+
34 ((round.contains("ball") &&
35 (round.contains("peas"))) ||
36 (green.contains("ball") &&
37 (green.contains("peas”)))));
38 System.out.println("pie and grass in same set? "+
39 ((round.contains("pie") &&
40 (round.contains("grass"))) ||
41 (green.contains("pie") &&
42 (green.contains("grass")))));
43 // To union two sets we use the addAll method.
44 HashSet<String>setUnion = new HashSet<String>(round);
45 round.addAll(green);
46 System.out.println("\nUnion of green and round:");
47 outputSet(setUnion);
48 // To intersect two sets we use the removeAll method.
49 HashSet<String> setInter = new HashSet<String>(round);
50 setInter.removeAll(green);
51 System.out.println("\nIntersection of green and round:");
52 outputSet(setInter);
53 System.out.println();
54 }
55 }
Sample Dialogue
Contents of set round:
grapes pie ball peas
Contents of set green:
grass garden hose grapes peas
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